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Reading Blog #2


When it came to art, I used to have a sort of elitism on what was considered "art" and what wasn't, but as I've broadened my knowledge through discovery of new artists and art history classes, I definitely have a much softer definition of what art is (even including my opinions on minimalism).

After reading this article, though, I have a deep respect for what John Cage has done in terms of broadening the limitations of music can be, or completely destroying them in the first place. There is this undeniable passion to show everyone his perspective of the world and his view on what it means to live; I love when artists are unafraid to show their passion for the here and now, the beauty in the act of living itself, like how he did with 4'33.

It's definitely interesting to see how a lot of the music he makes is focused on the natural or always occurring sounds we hear in our everyday lives, and to have an appreciation for the music all around us.

I actually relate a lot to his music because whenever I need to study, do homework, or even make art of my own, I love to put on ambiance sounds in the background. A lot of the time, these ambience videos on Youtube have a theme or setting behind them: studying in a library while it's raining, staying in a cozy cabin with the a warm fireplace, or even spaceship sounds.

After hearing some of his music, I think he would appreciate to see how many people like to enjoy this idea of listening to the environment around them and going about their day to the tune of everyday life.



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